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Mike and Emily Profile Banner

Mike & Emily

Hello! Nice to ‘meet’ you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile and get to know us. We are so honored that you are choosing to learn about our family as you consider adoption as an option for your child. We know that this process can be daunting, and while we can’t begin to understand what you are going through, we are inspired and impressed with your strength and courage and with the abounding love you already have for your child. We want you to know that we are here for you and will walk alongside you for as long as you’ll have us, whether your decision is to parent or make an adoption plan. As parents to three kids ourselves, we understand the responsibility to protect and prioritize our children, just like you are doing now as you consider your path forward. We are a hopeful adoptive family because we know that we can provide a home where a child can feel loved, safe, and happy, but also find meaning in living for Jesus and in loving and serving others from all walks of life. We want to extend a place within our family through open adoption, not only to your child, but also to you as an essential part of your child’s life. We believe that we can best protect and prioritize an adopted child by maintaining a link to birth family and culture as much as possible while raising them. We are open to adopting a child (or twins) of any race or ethnicity up to four years old. Please know that as you continue your journey, we are praying for you and asking God to give you strength, peace, and comfort. We sincerely hope that our love for you and the new life you created will shine through in this book. With great love and appreciation, Mike + Emily

Facts About Our Family

*The location where the adoption agency’s office is.
State:New York
# of Pets:0
Neighborhood: Suburban
Children:Biological Children

More About Our Family

In our family, we strive to live life to the fullest, enjoying all of the good times to their utmost. As a family, we love exploring the local waterfalls in our Rochester, New York area, playing board games like Uno Attack, having family bake-offs, swimming at the local YMCA, having dance parties, and driving with the windows down while blasting music on the way to the playground. In our family, we also persevere through and fully appreciate the more difficult times. We strive to teach our kids that in both the good and difficult times of life, our choices and attitudes are the only things we ultimately have control over. We spend time having age-appropriate discussions about difficult situations in our own lives and in society around us. For example, we’ve gotten a lot of books out of the library about sharing and conflict resolution, discussed homelessness and made bags to distribute to the homeless in our community, made meals for friends going through a hard time, dropped off snacks and encouraging cards to frontline workers during the pandemic, and discussed racism and took the kids to what we knew would be a peaceful protest in our local town. We work hard to teach our kids that the only worthwhile endeavors in this life are to serve God, others, and then ourselves - in that order. We push our children to think about how every single one of their actions reflects their love for God, love for others, and their own character. We are so proud when they put the wants and desires of others before their own, and love to see the positive impacts it has on those around us.

About Mike

Profession: engineer

More About Mike

Mike is absolutely the most kind and caring individual I have ever met. He is extremely patient, and he invests time and energy into everyone in his life. In our friend and family circle, he’s known as the dependable guy who will drop everything to come help cover a leaking roof with a tarp, change a tire, move a couch, or share a coffee while lending a listening ear. Mike is a servant leader for our family. He takes the kids on dates and includes them in his everyday life. Does he need to fix a drawer? You’ll find one of the kids by his side as he coaches them to use a screwdriver. Does he need to change the brake pads on the car? Again, a kid is right there learning what a wrench is and handing it to their dad. Mike is a solid rock for our family, providing strength, security, correction, guidance, and love. He knows the weight of his words, and is thoughtful about what he says and how he says it. He knows that in all situations, attitude is what matters most, and encourages the rest of us to have better attitudes when we need them. Mike is the BEST dad. He encourages our kids to be themselves - to pursue what they love and cultivate their talents even if they are different than his. Mike leads by example. He walks the walk, and if he doesn’t, he’s quick to ask for forgiveness (yes, even from a 4-year-old). Mike is goofy. He likes to laugh, tell “dad” jokes, chase, wrestle, make funny faces, and do things like talk to the kids with a weird accent throughout an entire dinner or do funny dances. I'm pretty sure the kids are going to be really embarrassed by him when they're in middle school. Luckily, this also means that he is constantly making me laugh as well. The best part about Mike? That his love is unconditional, and he has love for everyone, in any circumstance, at any time.

About Emily

Profession: engineer

More About Emily

Emily is more thoughtful than I could ever dream of being. She has an uncanny ability to do exactly the right thing to lift someone’s spirits, and spends much of her time thinking about how she can best support her friends and family in need. Whenever someone is sick, recovering, or just hurting, she will go out of her way to bring them a meal or just be with them. Emily is one of the most confident people I know, giving 110% in whatever she does and inspiring us all to do the same. It’s amazing to watch her go after something she knows is right because she seems unstoppable. I love watching her mentor not only our children, but also young college students where she goes out of her way to meet with after our kids go to bed. Emily is so very hardworking. While I am at work, she is able to watch our three children alone during the day, work a part time job, cook amazing dinners, and then goof around and play with our kids as a family at night. Emily is an amazing mom who cares deeply for her children. She loves to play, cook, dance, be silly, and make them laugh, all the time. She is always trying to find ways to teach them to put others first, and be kind to everyone they meet. The best part about Emily? She is extremely selfless. She puts other people before herself without even thinking about it, and sets the best example of that for our family.

Have Questions?

If you need help finding the right family or simply have questions about adoption, we're here for you. Let's talk.